Community Guidelines

Tryb’s Community Guidelines


These Guidelines and our Terms and Conditions are designed to ensure every user has a safe and enjoyable experience on Tryb. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in losing access to our platform.

 Upload only your own photos

We take copyrights very seriously. If you don’t own the rights to a photo or video, please don’t post it.

 Respect all users

We’re a very diverse community. This means you should respect other people’s beliefs, interests and property while on Tryb. Tryb takes a strong stance against hate speech, rude or abusive behaviour, bullying, and misogyny. You should behave the same way on Tryb as you would in real life. Additionally we encourage all of our users to report anyone who does not follow these behavioural guidelines. As a community rooted in kindness and respect, we expect all of our users to respect each other, themselves, and the Tryb staff.

 Send original messages to other users

We strongly advise against copying and pasting the same message to every connection. We encourage our users to read profiles, learn about other people’s interests, and send an appropriate, relevant message to each match. We promise this will increase your chances of engaging in interesting conversations.

 Don’t pretend you’re someone you’re not

As previously stated, do not post photos that are not of you. We also recommend using our photo verification tool (if and when it is ready to go and live) to let other users know that your profile is real.

 Tryb photo guidelines:


  • No kids on their own. They must be in the photo with an adult, and fully clothed.
  • No photos in bikinis/swimwear indoors.
  • No pictures in underwear.
  • No Shirtless/underwear Mirror Selfies.
  • Face must be clearly visible in all photos.
  • No watermarks or text overlaid.
  • No pornographic material.
  • No graphic hunting photos.
  • No guns.
  • No personal contact information in photos or bio.
  • No soliciting, this includes coupon codes & sales links.

 Don’t do anything illegal on our site or app

Illegal activity will not be tolerated on Tryb. This may result in being banned or restricted from the site/app, and/or being reported to the authorities.

 No soliciting

Tryb isn’t for selling things. If you try to use it as a marketplace, you’ll be banned.

 No kids on their own, they must be in the photo with an adult & fully clothed

Tryb is for 18+ years, therefore we don’t allow kids to be alone in photos as representatives of their parents on Tryb. In addition, all children must be completely clothed. This is safer for both children and their parents.

We use a combination of automated systems and a team of moderators to monitor and review accounts and messages for content that indicates breaches of these Guidelines and our Terms and Conditions. If you don’t follow these guidelines, you’ll receive a warning (unless our team decides to block or restrict access without warning at our discretion). If you ignore this warning, you risk losing your account. These guidelines are designed to make Tryb a friendly and safe place for all our users.